Monday, January 26, 2009

Sprint / NEXTEL News

It's just been reported on my TV that Sprint / NEXTEL is cutting 8,000 jobs.  They noted that they've been struggling ever since they've absorbed NEXTEL.  Subscribers have been bailing for AT&T (Hello Jeff Burton of old!) and falling for the gadget cool iPhone.

At first this makes me nervous for the state of the sport, but if they've laid most of their money upfront, then they're really just along for the ride and their rights monies will keep them in the advertising loop and in our faces during the tenure of their contract.

But if they put up a down payment and then promised to make payments over the x number of years they've got the contract for, then this might be a different story, even if they're legally obligated to maintain their contract.  Did 8,000 people get let go to maintain a NASCAR title sponsorship?  Gads, I hope not.  (Probably not just for NASCAR) but this present market is definitely threatening everyone.

We'll just have to wait and see if they try to modify their contract on our side of the game at this point.

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