Monday, February 18, 2013

The 2013 Sprint Unlimited - The New In-Car Camera Look?

If you watched NASCAR's 2013 Sprint Unlimited race, there were a few things fans might have seen in the race.  For one thing, I was wondering if you had noticed the new in-car camera angles?  At least I think I saw a new, unique camera angle that I liked from the telecast.

It's one thing for announcers to tell you how steep the track surface is in any particular turn.  And to also see the cars on the banked turns from an outside perspective, like the network cameras stationed at opportunistic spots in the turns.  But to see just how much of an angle from inside the car is something else altogether different and eye-opening!

During the Sprint Unlimited race, the in-car cams are now mounted in such a way that the camera retains it's position in relation to the outside horizon!  What I mean is that when the car enters a corner, like at Daytona, the camera stays level and does not tilt with the car and you watch the interior of the car tilt, in relation to the world outside the car.

This new camera angle demonstrates the amount of banking the cars are actually on during the race.  And it was very apparent during the Sprint Unlimited.

I know that there are many TV race fans out there that aren't fond of the in-car camera.  I'm sure this new angle will have their attention for at least a few moments.  I myself appreciate the in-car camera angle.  If you're attentive enough, you can watch for a few things in the in-car camera view.  One is how much the car is dancing around on the track at the time of the shot.  You can also see the cars around the car you're in and watch this dance between sheet metal.  It's not evident in camera angles from outside the car how jumpy the cars could be, but the in-car shows some details you won't notice from outside the car.  The other perspective is how busy the driver is inside that car wrangling the steering wheel, even while on the straight-away stretches.  At least for me, that's what I look at and can appreciate.

Regardless of your perspective, this will be a new angle for a few moments for some, while others will revel in this new look.  At least there's something to look for in the Daytona 500.


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