Sunday, June 22, 2008

NASCAR Tires Retreaded As Beer Coolers!!

regurgitated by Bruce Simmons

So what do you do when you have exclusive rights to recycle the 85,000 used tires that come off of the cars in NASCAR each year after a race?

Why create "used artifacts", or to be more specific, 32 lb beverage coolers that can fit several (5 1/2) cases of your "favorite" beverage with 30 lbs of ice?

Kevin Burns, who runs Racecooler Co., wrangled those rights, and recycles the tires into these alternative products.  Back in 2005 he noticed that fans wanted to buy the used tires, but NASCAR / Goodyear wasn't selling them.  So rather than the usual route Goodyear took of converting the used tires into asphalt, he was looking for a way to help preserve the tires and make them available to the fans.

Adding this to the idea that Burns realized one fascinating demographic is that 72% of NASCAR fans are more than likely to purchase products with a NASCAR affiliation.  He confirmed that by making a few hundred of these coolers and took them to the Daytona 500, selling them for $200 a piece and he didn't have to bring any inventory back home.

With that said, he charged on forward and just started up a website recently to help deliver these NASCAR themed coolers for our kegging ways at, and there, at the moment, he only has two products featured on his site HERE

Besides the obvious, do you know what else is neat about these products?  Burns enlists the help of hundreds of disabled veterans to make his products.  Hey Kevin, I'd be more than happy to field test any of your ideas if you'd need a field tester!

If anyone has one of these babies, let me know how you like it!

Inspiration Source:  Article by Laura Baverman at Business Courier

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